It’s been a busy year, with the production, booking and tour management for Songs of Separation!
We’ve gigged in Edinburgh, London, Dumfries, Cambridge, Cardiff, Bury, Woodchester, Dundee, Didcot and Glasgow, but not in that order. That would be a terrible tour schedule!
To be honest, I didn’t ever envisage myself running a ten piece ensemble, comprising some of England and Scotland’s most treasured musicians! My organisational skills have been well and truly put to the test, but so far everyone has had a bed on tour, transport, per diems and a respectable pay packet for playing! It sounds basic doesn’t it… but it’s not always the case in our industry! Most importantly, things have been decided in consultation with all group members – an ethos that aims to respect musicians’ views, even if it does mean an awful lot of emails!

It’s been an immense experience, but a year of 5am admin starts does take it’s toll. I’m looking forward to some time to play and sleep in the not-too-distant future!