It’s really been a busy few months, so I’ve not had time to put up some new tracks recorded back in the summer, with Rory Butler. Rory and I have been working together since 2011, when he won the Celtic Connections Danny Kyle award, and was suddenly appearing live on BBC radio 3, and sharing gigs with the likes of Sam Lee and the late, great Micheal Marra.
Rory’s both an excellent guitarist and a true poet, with a songwriting style reminiscent of Nick Drake and John Martyn. In fact, it was frequent comparison of our live sound to that of John Martyn and Danny Thompson that set me off thinking about working with Danny…(hence the ‘Bass without Borders’ project – more on that later).
Recorded in just two days, at Ferndale Studios in Dumfriesshire, these new tracks demonstrate an evolution in Rory’s sound (his acclaimed first album ‘Naked Trees’ is available from www.rorybutler.co.uk). My particular favourite is ‘London’, which had little-to-no rehearsal, and captures the freedom of our live performances.
Check out my music page for a preview of some of the tracks. Or come along to the Queen’s Hall (Edinburgh) on 8th March 2014, to hear us in person (other dates are available on Rory’s website).