You’ll maybe remember that Jen ran a massive project a few years ago, called Songs of Separation? It was a big deal, and it unexpectedly went on to win an award at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards.
Two of the most wonderful parts of the Songs of Separation project were when we invited The Cairn Chorus to join us for a concert in Dumfries, and when we formed a children’s choir (in a day!) at the Queens Hall in Edinburgh. These gigs were particularly special, because this music becomes all the more powerful when sung by many voices.
Back in 2018, Jen had an idea: to run a Songs of Separation-style residential for choir leaders. But a few things cropped up, and she was still recovering from the massive workload of Songs of Separation, which had seen her get up every day at 5am for over a year, to deal with the admin workload… she was pooped!
Fast forward to 2020. Jen watches on as choir leaders strive to keep their choirs together, on zoom, during lockdown. She sees how they are giving vital support and connection for people at a time of isolation, helping to keep people buoyant.
All of a sudden, it’s 2021. Crowdfunder UK are on the phone. There’s a chat about getting a campaign ready by a challenging deadline (just 10 days!). And once again she’s up before dawn…laptop at the ready! Because this project could do truly amazing things…
The idea: to whisk ten community choir leaders away to a stunning Scottish island, to sing through arrangements of SoS music, to finalise and record vocal parts. Jen will then put finishing touches to the scores, and a suite of learning resources will become available. These will be shared with choirs world-wide, to see if we can create a ‘connection’ across the globe, through community singing. Songs about equalities, climate change, self-realisation. Songs which support. Songs which heal.
What do you think? Is this something you could support?
Please have a look at the Crowdfunder here.
And check the wee homemade film, which tells you more.
(Sorry about the sound, the visuals and the lockdown hair!).